FOPH: Transitional funding and legislative updates for the Electronic Patient Record
28. August 2024 – The Federal Council resolved to implement transitional funding for providers of the Electronic Patient Record (Elektronisches Patientendossier, EPD) effective on 1 October 2024. This interim measure aims to provide financial support for the EPD system while a comprehensive legislative revision is underway, which is expected to take several years to complete. The EPD is a crucial component of modern healthcare, offering a unified and reliable platform for managing essential health information accessible to patients, healthcare professionals, and institutions. Under the transitional funding scheme, providers will receive up to CHF 30 per opened EPD, with federal funding capped at CHF 30 million, matched by contributions from the cantons.
Additionally, the new regulations streamline the EPD enrollment process by permitting patient consent through electronic identification, thereby eliminating the need for handwritten or digital signatures. The Federal Council will determine the subsequent steps for the comprehensive revision of EPD legislation in the fall of 2024.
For more information, see here.